Have you ever considered working with a life coach but felt that maybe you are not quite sure of how this could benefit you and your life?

Many life coaches will specialize in one area such as but not limited to spiritual coaching, relationship coaching, financial coaching, carbon coaching, declutter coaching, mental health coaching, personal development coaching, fitness coaching and career coaching.

Many individuals choose to work with a coach for 3-6 months and then feel they have the necessary tools, motivation and direction to continue on their own while others may continue to work with a coach indefinitely on a monthly basis as more of a maintenance plan or way to stay on track in a busy world full of distractions.

A Life Coach works with clients to improve the quality of their lives. They do this by helping them identify what they are passionate about and how best to utilize those skills in a career or relationship that aligns with their passions and strengths.

The major difference between therapy and life coaching is the focus of the work: therapy focuses on mental health and emotional healing, while life coaching focuses on setting and achieving goals.

A life coach is a professional who guides and empowers individuals to enhance the overall quality of their lives.

I am personally very passionate about declutter and carbon coaching and I have helped many clients achieve amazing goals as a result of decluttering all areas of their lives. I work with them decluttering physical possessions then we dive into financial declutter, admin/paper clutter, relationships and career and allow this process to naturally develop according to each client’s individual needs.

Carbon coaching is also fantastic as this practice not only removes toxins, chemicals and other harmful substances from a clients home and life but they in turn start to reduce their carbon footprint offering more to the planet and helping the environment.

Low tox living and sustainable living really needs to be embraced more and I am very passionate about educating and working with clients to achieve this no matter how big or small.

We often feel that we are running on “empty” or that we are living on autopilot, but working with a life coach can offer more freedom and less anxiety. Allowing us to be more present in our everyday lives and removing the excess that is in the way and very often the cause of limited thinking.

What are your goals? Do you want to start a transformation journey in one or all areas of your life? Consider a life coach and begin the shift. Start small. Remember we are good at what we do most of the time not some of the time.