Minimalism & Living Tiny

My name is Candace Kentridge-Britton and I am a full time Yoga teacher and Lifestyle coach.

My journey is rather unique- I was born in Texas but lived most of my life in South Africa. My husband and I (with 5 fur-kids) moved to the states In March 2019 and have since been traveling in the States in our tiny house.

I have a YouTube channel and I teach online live-stream classes.  As a yoga teacher I love being part of encouraging people to create healthy lives, listen to their bodies and be mindful both on and off the mat. You can also view more about me on my website and via my social media.

Tiny house life really compliments my outlook on life and allows both my husband and myself to reduce our carbon footprint, travel with our home and life a simple minimal life. Living as a minimalist does not mean that you have to “go without” it simply suggests that you choose to live with “quality over quantity”.

When making purchases always ask yourself these three questions:

1) Do I need this? 2) Do I love this? 3) Will I use this?

My journey of downsizing and transitioning to tiny house life started in 2012, I began with a wardrobe clean out and I realized and came to truly appreciate the benefits of “clearing out the clutter”. I started reading blogs and researching the mental benefits of living with less. In 2012 I hadn’t heard of the term “minimalism” and only later discovered there was actually a term for what I was doing. Over these past 8 years I have gone from living in a 2 bedroom /2 bathroom house (pretty standard home) with a garage etc. to living in a 8 x 25 foot tiny home on wheels and clearing debt, traveling and enjoying life in the present moment. I am not suggesting that tiny house life is for everyone but I certainly encourage everyone to DE-CLUTTER their homes and to be more mindful with spending/shopping habits. Minimalism allows us to really be aware of what is important and to live a more mindful lifestyle. I also practice sustainable living and eat a plant based diet. Sustainable living is a fantastic way to reduce our carbon footprint and be kinder to the planet as well as removing unnecessary stress and anxiety from your own personal life and space. Plant based health truly is a “game changer” and if you have not yet seen this documentary I highly recommend that you do. Eating a healthy fresh and plant based diet is good for your health, good for animals and good for the planet. I started my Yoga journey in 2003 as a student and fell in love with how Yoga can improve so many aspects of life from mental to physical and spiritual. I have practiced Vinyasa Flow for 15 years and have since discovered another huge passion which is the healing power of Hatha Yoga and this lead to my teacher training and in depth study with Johann Kotze in Muizenberg, Cape Town South Africa where I qualified with my 200 hour Sivananda Yoga teacher training. I continue to further my studies and expand my knowledge so that I can deepen my own personal Yoga practice as well as offer my clients as much as possible for their own practice. The benefits of Hatha Yoga have assisted me to improve  in my own practice, gain strength, heal injuries and discover a calmness and clarity that I also love sharing in my classes. I hope that I can inspire others to “Create a life you love”- I have kept my focus and energy on creating a life that I dont always feel I need a vacation from. I love to travel, teach Yoga, help other with their journey and expand my knowledge about life, yoga, love, the planet and more.