Simplify-in Small Steps

Many of us have been hearing, reading or have just been curious about “Minimalism”…

What is Minimalism and why has it become so popular? How does minimalism/simple living and organic living tie together?
Everyone feels “lighter” when they clear the clutter…Clutter can be physical clutter in your home or office space, clutter can also be mental and emotional clutter. Talking about “clearing the clutter” can seem overwhelming at first but once you start, you will see and feel the positive results.

Clutter has a way of sucking the energy right out of you and replacing it with the feeling of chaos.

Clutter is often an unrecognized source of stress that prompts feelings of anxiety, frustration, distraction and even guilt. Give your home and office a “clutter make over”, get rid of excess papers, files, nick knacks and other “stuff” that not only takes up space in your physical environment but also in your mind.

Start simplifying your life in 10 steps-

1) Have a morning routine (try waking up at a similar time each morning) – this will also increase your energy levels and allow your being to feel more balanced. Make a fresh juice/smoothie using a blende/juicer each morning and start your day off with the best nutrients to fuel your body and look after your health.

2) Go paperless – creating new habits such as using digital calendars and a lap top, tablet or phone as your organizer instead of paper notes and diaries.

3) Have a daily plan / calendar – this will help you to feel more organised, less stressed and feel accomplished at the end of your day when you have completed your tasks.

4) Eat healthy, organic food & drink at least 2L of water- fueling your physical body correctly will enable your mental and energy state to improve.

5) Exercise daily – this can be as simple as a 20- 30 minute walk or yoga video from YouTube at home, however daily exercise is very important for all aspects of your health.

6) Dont procrastinate- Start with the most difficult or least desired task for the day and then work your way through your to do lists from there.

7) Keep a gratitude journal (this can also be done digitally if preferred or via a small note book)

8) Clean your fridge every few days – ensuring you plan ahead for meals and don’t buy in excess, these small habits create a healthier lifestyle and conscious shopping and eating.

9) Clean your wardrobe – do a nice spring clean of your wardrobe, if this is your first time adapting “minimalism or simplifying” then do it slowly so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. Once this becomes easier, you could start doing a wardrobe cleanout at the start of every new season. You will be able to do more and more “clean outs” as you develop your desire for a “simple / Quality over quantity” lifestyle. Create a functional wardrobe but one that also brings you joy.

10) Grow herbs and plants in pots – if you are making changes to eat more organically then there is no better feeling than growing your own food. You can start small with herbs such as mint, basil, coriander and chives for example which can all be grown in pots.

If you would like more tips on Minimalism, de-cluttering and other ways to simplify your life let me know in the comments or email me