“Secrets to a Fulfilling Tiny House Lifestyle” with Candace on the Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast

I was recently featured on the Tiny House Lifestyle podcast with Ethan Waldman and It was a really great conversation. The episode is called Secrets to a Fulfilling Tiny House Lifestyle.  In our interview we talk about tips to start a journey as a minimalist and how this lifestyle invites so much intention into every area of your life.
I also share how this lifestyle benefits mental, physical and spiritual well being, plus my three recommended resources that helped me on my own tiny house and minimalist journey.  If you are feeling called to simplify your life in some way, this episode will offer insight, great resources as well as tips to get started.  Remember simplifying like most things is a journey and you should enjoy this journey.
Start with an area of your life, perhaps the physical clutter and when that starts to flow you will feel the energy in other areas of your life as well.  I hope you give it a listen and enjoy the show!