Release Self-Doubt / Embrace Self-Love

What does Shakti mean?
Shakti refers to “Energy, ability, strength, effort, power and capability” and is the primordial cosmic energy, representing the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe. Lets focus on releasing the “comparison game” and self doubt.
Loving yourself, your body and your daily life is not a matter of vanity or selfishness, it is about a vibration of self-Love ❤and from this vibration being able to love and accept others without judgment and be more aware of your actions, your thoughts and your words. Sometimes we are comfortable and at “peace” with who we are; but external factors can allow self- doubt to creep in and we need to be aware of this. Let’s embrace our higher love vibration.

You can practice self-love affirmations daily such as:

“I am enough”
“I am strong”
“I am happy and grateful “

Any powerful affirmation that you want to include- starting with the words “I AM” are powerful and start to shift your mindset and belief system.
Let’s release the negative and  lets release anything no longer serving us and move into an energy space with intention and self-love.