Healthy Weight Loss

There are many discussions surrounding diets, lifestyle changes, vegetarian/vegan, various exercises etc etc…

Before I begin, I need to first be upfront and state that, what may work for one person, might not always necessarily work for the next person and that if you have any health concerns, it is always good to consult your preferred doctor or homeopath. I can only offer the knowledge and experience which I have gained on my own personal journey and weather some of what I write about or all of it helps you in someway to improve/change your lifestyle than that is fantastic! The expression that I use all the time “your health is your wealth” is so important and truly expresses that everything else should come secondary to your health.

Having a healthy lifestyle is a commitment and a choice and once you decide to adapt a healthy consistent lifestyle, your body will thank you and be able to perform at “optimum”. I also have a blog post all about juices/smoothies to start the day and I make this mandatory 7 days a week for myself, my body knows that I will be having those important nutrients daily and my body clock, metabolism and rhythm then in turn function at optimum and naturally as a result. Eating organic fruits and vegetables daily as well as ensuring that you get enough protein, vitamins and minerals. My Morning (7am) starts with a green smoothie, 2 boiled eggs, avo and if I feel like it a banana as well and a cup of filtered coffee with almond or oat milk ( NO sugar).

I will have a snack at around 11:00, this can include things like almonds, light salads with beetroot and green beans and a fruit of your choice.
I prefer to eat a larger meal (when time/schedule allows) before 6/7 pm in the day so whenever I can I will rather try and cook a bigger lunch and eat a salad or a lighter dinner. I love fried mushrooms (in coconut oil) with balsamic glaze, garlic, chilli, basil leaves and chives.
I will on certain days also add smoked tofu (moderation), peppers and brinjal to the mushrooms, almost making a style of stir-fry. You can add rice noodles or basmati rice as a base or simply add the stir fry topping to a nice crunchy green salad. Another alternative for a bigger meal is one of my absolute favorite foods, sweet potato. For more requests on various sweet potato recipes email me

Roasted sweet potato with salad and avo is a nutritious, filling and amazing “bigger dish”
In this blog post my aim was to give you all an overview of ideas as I have had requests for “what do you eat in a day to maintain a healthy weight”

If I have done a hike for example or just alot of exercise in a day, I will make sure that I have additional snacks like blueberries, sunflower seeds, or even a small gluten free pasta dish.

Some of my favorite teas that are part of my lifestyle include Earl Grey (with almond milk and honey), Rooibos and Chai.

If you are interested in more natural health (vegetarian / vegan) recipes visit my youtube channel 
Wishing you Health Abundance!