Healthy Habits

The need and desire to simplify life is becoming more and more apparent…People are asking themselves “what is important” and realizing how good they feel when they start to prioritize and make changes towards a life they love”

Do you want to make some changes in your life? It can be overwhelming to think of ‘where to start’ so here are my top 10 healthy habits to incorporate in your lifestyle…

1) Make your bed each morning:  
This might sound silly or maybe even “easy” but what this simple task does is give you an immediate sense of accomplishment and at the very start of your day. If you already do make your bed each day, you are off to a good start and if you dont, then try it for a month and see what you notice for yourself and how you feel.

2) Take a 30 minute walk each day in nature each day:
I know that this may not be possible for everyone everyday however, try to prioritize a 30 minute walk in nature or somewhere that makes you feel calm each day. Try to do this without your phone or other electronics, so that you really can reconnect, breathe and feel a true sense of decompressing after a long day.

3) Journal and keeping Goals: 
By taking time to sit with your journal and remind your self of your short term and long term goals is so important. Journaling also gives a sense of connection and control of our lives, our dreams and passions as well as our thoughts and emotions. If you are fairly new to journaling, have a look at some examples on pintrist, get yourself a note book that you will enjoy using and take time to sit and be centered, creating balance and a sense of stability as well as direction. A simple yet powerful habit. You will also feel inspired by having goals to work towards and you can also go back and read them which gives a sense of accomplishment as well.
4) Save each month:
There may be months where you just dont see this as a possibility however, regardless of how big or small an amount, try to save each month. Transfer your savings into a separate account, this action will improve your discipline and once you see your savings increase you will be inspired to continue. Perhaps you want to save to travel, buy property or just saving for your financial future – whatever that is for you saving each month is a fantastic habit.
5) Social Media Detox:
Social media is such a big part of our lives and we can sometimes get a little “too caught up” in it all.. Consider reducing your social media to maybe 2 or 3 apps such as Instagram, Facebook and Youtube for example and give yourself set times each day for social media.
I understand that there are those who use social media for work and have different elements to consider however just like many things, social media can become addictive. Take time to go through who you follow and who you listen to on social media and consider a detox by removing anyone who gives you a negative feeling when you see a post or simply just does not make you feel good about yourself. Social media can be positive if used correctly, so just be mindful, consider options and ways that you can keep your positive happy energy and not have negative comparison or draining energy as a result of social media. Have healthy social media habits.
6) Daily Juice or Smoothie:
This is one of the best habits you can start doing for your health. There are endless health benefits which include but are not limited to natural energy, kick starting and maintaining a healthy metabolism, intake of daily protein, iron, calcium and vitamins from fresh fruits and vegetables. By giving your body the best start each day you will allow your body to function at optimum naturally. I have lost weight, improved my energy levels, sleep quality, skin and hair as well as my gut health. This will be an incredible daily healthy habit for your overall health and longevity.
If you would like more information on smoothies and where to begin, visit my youtube channel or email me to find out about my latest book “Healthy Recipes with Candace
7) Start a Hobby or Join a Class:
Many of us get into a routine of work, eat sleep repeat which starts to feel stagnant, boring and obviously repetitive. Try a new hobby or join a class like an art class, yoga class, pottery or any other activity that you think you might enjoy and would like to try. Stepping out of your comfort zone gives new energy, will allow you to meet new like-minded people and will get the creative juices flowing. It is very important to have interests and activities outside of your work space. If you are already part of a gym then try joining a new group class for example. The key here is to try something new and incorporate a habit that allows you to have fun and not think about work.
8) Small things make a big difference:
I feel this needs to be a habit for everyone and many people are just not aware- we can all do our part no matter how big or small to reduce our carbon footprint. If you do want to start doing your part to care for our planet, you can start with something as small as taking reusable shopping bags each time you do your shopping to avoid plastic waste. If you dont eat a plant based diet try and do this a few days a week such as “meatless Mondays” for example. If you would like a copy of my “zero waste” shopping list on amazon for household and more send me a direct email  and I will happily share this with you and any other information regarding reducing carbon footprint. Do you part as a habit to help our planet.
9) Have a set bedtime:
By getting your body into a rhythm is healthy on so many levels, your brain will also start to wind down and you will have much better sleep quality. Try adopting a habit of a set bedtime and a set wake up time and see how you feel. There will obviously be times where you might want a day to sleep in slightly later which is absolutely fine however, try and keep a routine majority of time.
10) Do your “To do list” / Calendar the night before:
This is so important, start a healthy habit of sorting out your calendar and “to Do list” the night before and not in the morning when you wake up. You will go to bed feeling relaxed and more settled and this will start making you feel organised which reduces any unnecessary stress and anxiety when you might feel you have too much to do.
I hope that you have enjoyed my top 10 healthy habits, remember change is a process, changing habits is not a phase and may take time, be gentle with yourself and start slowly.
Wishing you all health & happiness abundance