Naturally Beautiful Skin

Beautiful Skin… Naturally,
I have personally experienced an ongoing battle with my skin since the age of 23. As someone who didn’t suffer with acne in high school I  completely relate to those who have suffered (or may still be suffering) with adult acne, occasional breakouts and general skin irritations or problems.

I tried every salon product on the market over the past two decades and what may have sometimes appeared to be a solution, in very little time I would be back to square one again.

I am happy to say that I have finally find a remedy that works, now although this has been successful for me it may not work for everyone and there are always other factors to consider such as hormones, allergies and other issues related to skin however, I strongly suggest that you give this recipe a try and let me know your results.

Firstly what we eat after a certain age, can affect our hormones and I recommend (from personal success) to start each day with a juice or smoothie. I also have blogs and videos on my youtube channel with recipes. By eating things like coconut oil, fresh lemon and other fruits you will not only be giving your PH levels and body (overall) the correct oils and fats but, you will also be assisting to keep your body in an alkaline state. Bacteria cannot breed in alkaline state only acidic.

I want to share my personal journey with regards to my skin and how incredible it feels to be able to go out in the morning without having to apply a ton of make up to my face. I had such severe breakouts that even my neck broke out in a rash and spread onto my jaw line. After finally adapting the correct foods, eliminating the incorrect products, using natural herbs from to assist elements such as my Thyroid etc. I found a range of organic (100% natural) products. You will be able to find these or similar products at a health shop that stocks 100% natural products.

1) Cleanser:

2) Toner: Witch Hazel
**Another option to use twice per week if your acne is very bad is apple cider vinegar

3) Moisturizer:

4) Skin Hydro Gel:
This is great to repair skin tissue, dry out breakouts and heal the skin. I would suggest only using this when you have serious breakouts or if you are repairing damaged skin as a result of breakouts. This will dry out your skin if used daily.
5) Comfrey Repair Gel:
This is amazing for sun damaged skin, pimples, bites etc.
6) Make up Remover:
I have used this for 18 years with 100% pure cotton wool and it removed all make up and doesn’t damage your skin. Safe to use to remove eye make up as well.

Always use 100% cotton when removing make up!

7) Face Scrub:
Add a small amount of Bicarb to your face wash once or twice per week for an amazing natural yet effective face scrub.

8) 100% Pure Clay Face Mask
9) Sun Block:
10) Eye Cream: 100% Pure Vitamin E oil
11) Healing Plasters to use to speed up healing of stubborn blemishes:
I also cut one large plaster into smaller pieces to suit the size of the blemishes where needed.
12) Lavender Oil (add 10 drops to a small spray bottle and use as a spritzer during the day)
very good for skin health, hydrating and keeping the skin clear. Lavender also assists with inflammation and healing.
Other amazing products i use regularly are:

Every woman will have different skin needs, I wanted to share my personal journey as well as my personal success with these products, correct diet and other tips. These are my recent photos without any make up.
I would love to connect and hear from you.