Detox The Healthy Way

I find the best way to share information on this process realistically is to refer to my own personal journey and hopefully this will inspire others to take charge of their health by creating a healthy lifestyle. In the busy lives which majority of people lead today, it can often feel overwhelming to think of having such a strong focus on food, exercise, sleep and  overall a healthy lifestyle, however, I am going to give you some simple steps to follow which, if you are focused and disciplined will give you beautiful results.

Step 1:
Eliminate –
If you feel that you don’t know where to start but you know you need to improve and take charge of your health, the best starting point is to eliminate.
Eliminate processed foods, sugar and if you do eat meat then even eliminate meat for 14 days. Start reading the ingredients on EVERYTHING that you buy and make this a habit and an investment in your body and overall long term health.
Always opt for organic fruits and vegetables wherever possible and plan your meals for each day. Once you have completed a seven day detox you can then slowly start to introduce other foods back into your diet and you will soon find out which foods do not agree with you.


Step 2:

7 Days
Starting with a 7 day challenge is far less intimidating and it feels more realistic. You will find once you have done 7 days, the end goal does not seem so unrealistic at all.
20-30 minutes of Yoga daily as well as juicing/smoothies to start the day are crucial and will assist with getting your natural metabolism back.
Breakfast suggestion from personal success: 2 boiled eggs (or a preferred Vegan option) in a Buddha bowl with sprouts or greens, banana , blueberries, half an avo with Himalayan salt, black pepper, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, nutritional yeast and olive oil.  You can also include some almonds in your Buddha bowl.
Drink 2L of filtered water daily and avoid excess coffee and tea.
For snacks, lunch and dinner recipes email me 

Step 3:
Good quality sleep is vital and it is when our bodies heal and “reboot”. If you feel that you are experiencing poor sleep quality there could be a number of factors to consider such as thyroid, hormones, to much sugar or just an overactive right or left brain to name a few.
I would suggest consulting a homeopath or natural health practitioner to look at ways to improve your sleep quality. If you are not yet adapting Yoga as part of your daily life, I am very confident this will also improve your quality of sleep.
Do not ignore any issues relating to sleep as this is a VERY important aspect of our overall health.

Step 4:
Balancing your diet is tricky at first but once you find a natural rhythm that works for you, it will get easier and easier. Make sure that you get enough greens (broccoli, spinach, kale, avo, cucumber, rocket, peas, beans and sprouts) in your diet. Ensure that you have sufficient protein and remember useful tips such as broccoli has 48% protein where meat is only 11% protein. If you feel that your lifestyle is very busy and you are worried that you will not always get sufficient minerals, vitamins and protein from your food then ensure you use natural supplements such as Omega’s, Moringa superfood products, flax seed, hemp powder to name a few (see my blog post on juicing for additional daily requirements that are amazing for your diet).
Balance and moderation are key factors and are as important as being focused and disciplined. investing in your health is the most important thing you can do for the longevity and quality of your life.

Wishing you all an abundance of health.