Beginners Guide to Sustainable Living

As most of us know there has never been a more important time on our planet for humans to live a sustainable lifestyle. This is not only necessary for the existence, continuance and well-being of the planet but it can be an amazing way for families to save money and learn to run their homes in a more natural way free of chemicals and toxins. You could read articles, blog posts and watch documentaries on various aspects such as climate change, the massive impact that plastic has on our oceans, the billions of tons of waste that is accumulated and wonder “where do I even begin” or perhaps you have started implementing small changes into your lifestyle already that will allow for a more sustainable lifestyle and therefore reduce your carbon footprint.

The 6 steps that I am going to list here are a great starting point and will allow anyone to start creating new habits, become more aware and be able to share this knowledge with others. Have you ever looked at how much plastic we as humans consume on a daily basis??

Step 1) Take your own reusable shopping bags when you go grocery shopping

Step 2) Start bulk shopping to avoid plastic packaging
Step 3) Switch to bathroom & kitchen products with sustainable packaging

Step 4) Thrift Shopping
Step 5) Buy a glass or preferred reusable water bottle:
Step 6) Ride your bicycle whenever you can
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This book goes into more detail on these 6 topics.