43 Life Lessons from My 43 Years on Earth

In celebration of my 43rd year on this beautiful planet, I’ve decided to share 43 life lessons I’ve come to hold dear. These insights reflect the wisdom I’ve gathered through experiences, challenges, and joyful moments. I hope you find these lessons enlightening and that they inspire you to live life with more love, awareness, and intention.

43 Pearls of Wisdom

  1. Plans Over Excuses: People will make a plan or find an excuse. It’s your choice which path you take.
  2. Value of Actions: People’s actions will show you what you mean to them. Trust their actions over words.
  3. Inner Over Outer: As you grow older, you realize it’s less about how you look and more about how you feel.
  4. Personal Limits: People can only meet you as deeply as they’ve met themselves.
  5. Pain’s Origin: Often, those who hurt us are themselves hurting.
  6. Energy of Life: Everything is energy. Understanding this can make life clearer and more bearable.
  7. Questioning Beliefs: Much of what we are taught to believe is not necessarily true.
  8. The Virtue of Simplicity: Less is definitely more.
  9. Growth and Understanding: It’s okay to outgrow your old self—change is natural, even if others don’t understand.
  10. Finding Your People: You don’t have to be everyone’s cup of tea; to the right people, you’ll be the perfect cup of coffee.
  11. Home is a Feeling: Home is more about a feeling than a place.
  12. Power of Love: Love is the most important thing and the only truth.
  13. Personal Boundaries: It’s okay to say no and change your mind. Not everything requires an explanation.
  14. Acceptance Over Suffering: Accept what you cannot change.
  15. Continuous Improvement: Do your best until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
  16. Constant Change: Change is both certain and constant.
  17. Focused Efforts: You can do anything, but not everything.
  18. Value of Travel: Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.
  19. Creating Your Environment: Want more kindness? Be kinder. Want less chaos? Slow down.
  20. Intention Over Perfection: There are no perfect people, only perfect intentions.
  21. Collecting Moments: Collect moments, not things, and you’ll always have enough space.
  22. Trust Your Gut: Your intuition is your most honest guide.
  23. Overcoming Fear: Fear can be overcome, but only with readiness and desire.
  24. Family Beyond Blood: Blood relatives don’t always mean family.
  25. Embracing Questions: The truth doesn’t mind being questioned; a lie does.
  26. Transformation Through Love: Transformation comes from a place of love and vulnerability, not guilt or shame.
  27. Materialism’s Limits: You don’t need the latest gadgets. They all serve the same purpose.
  28. Joy in Letting Go: Joy and happiness come from letting go.
  29. Cost of Magic: All magic comes with a price. Remember that.
  30. Dangers of Overthinking: Overthinking solves nothing and steals the joy of now.
  31. Healing of Time: Time makes things better.
  32. Impact of Words: Actions speak louder, but harsh words still hurt.
  33. Pursuing Passions: Most of what we do goes unnoticed, so do what you love.
  34. Expressing Love: Tell your loved ones you love them often.
  35. Irreplaceable Treasures: You can’t lose true love and true friends.
  36. Youthful Spirit: Staying young at heart is easier than you think.
  37. Independence from Opinions: Let go of worrying about others’ opinions.
  38. Life Creation: Don’t wait for life to happen; create it.
  39. Authenticity: Be yourself, genuinely and proudly.
  40. Dance Freely: Dance, even if you’re the only one dancing.
  41. Trying New Things: Try new things to feel alive, not to be perfect.
  42. Lifelong Learning: Never stop learning about life and yourself.
  43. Underrated Essentials: Never underestimate the power of sleep and laughter.

I am grateful for every lesson and every year that has brought me to where I am today. Share these lessons with those you love and let them inspire you as they have inspired me.

With gratitude, Candace